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We've planted trees since we sprouted in 2007

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Woman Owned

About Planting Locations

The U.S. Forest Service has identified MILLIONS of acres of National Forest land that are in "desperate need of restoration," areas where fire has destroyed the forest beyond its natural ability to regrow itself. Our trees are always planted in these special areas- the areas that need the most help right now. Forests that used to be thriving and green would be dead and desolate for decades to come without our help. Planting trees with us offers these forests new hope.

Why We can't Offer More Choice in Planting Location
Our mission here at Trees for a Change is to provide thoughtful, meaningful gifts that live on to restore these devastated forest lands. We aren't just about planting trees, but planting trees where they will do the very most good. It would be nice if we could offer more choice in planting areas, but our priority is planting our trees where they are needed most. We hope you agree that when it comes to giving a thoughtful and meaningful gift that is about LIFE, a gift that truly honors the recipient, putting the trees where that life will make the biggest difference is the best thing we could possibly do.

Current Planting Location: Sequoia National Forest, California

What Sets Us Apart
We are the ONLY tree gift company that does all this:
*We plant the trees and we know exactly where they are
*We personally take photos of our baby trees and post them on the website
*We offer a name registry, tree location info and even the option to visit the trees 

People appreciate our integrity, transparency and passion for trees- which is why our reviews are outstanding. (Yup! All those reviews below are legit!)

We know that when you order from Trees for a Change, you are placing your trust in us, and we take that very seriously. There are a few other organizations that plant trees as gifts, and you will not find evidence of actual tree plantings on their websites. Do they visit the trees? No. Can they show you photos of the trees? No. Are they actually planting the trees? Who knows. You can count on us to plant your tree because for us, it is all about the trees and the relationships we've built with our customers. We value integrity and transparency, so we give you as much information about our trees as we can. Knowing that together we can make positive changes for people and the environment is the reason we are in business.
